Private Tour Primates of the Atlantic Forest

9 - 12 Dias

Our tours




1 a 4 pessoas

US$ 6.800

Primate watching in the Atlantic Forest. The focus of the expedition is five endemic and endangered species that occur in the Atlantic Forest of the state of São Paulo.

We will visit five sites with a specific objective in each location. We will start the trip in the municipality of Buri - SP where we will observe the Black-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus), in the municipality of São Miguel Arcanjo - SP the Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) - the largest primate in the Americas, in Cananéia - SP the Black-faced lion tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara), in the municipality of Campos do Jordão - SP the Black-fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons) and we'll finish in the municipality of São Francisco Xavier where we'll observe the Buffy-tufted marmoset (Callithrix aurita).

The best time to observe primates in the Atlantic Forest is during the dry season, between April and September. This is ideal because the trails are drier and the animals move less during this time of year. We are guaranteed to see and take good photos of three species: the Black-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus), the Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) and the Black-fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons). The Buffy-tufted marmoset (Callithrix aurita) responds well to playback, but we don't always get good photos as they are very suspicious. The rarest species is the Black-faced lion tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara), so it's best to spend at least three days looking for this species. This is the only species we can't 100% guarantee we'll find. I've been carrying out expeditions in the area for a long time and in recent times our nohall in relation to the animal has improved a lot, and in the last three expeditions we've been successful and found the species.

The focus of the expedition is primates, but we will see many other species during the tour, such as the Guyana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), Broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris), Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber), Red-tailed parrot (Amazona brasiliensis), Southern brown howler (Alouatta guariba clamitans), with a bit of luck the Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and also many species of birds and hummingbirds.


  • Private Tour available all year round - choose your preferred date in the form below

First stop: Observation of the Black-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus)

Observation of the Black-lion-tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus), in the city of Buri-SP.

The tour takes place on a private farm with total security and a specialized guide, who is also a biologist and researcher.

There are some flocks here that are accustomed to human presence, which allows for very close contact with the species, even witnessing their behavior in the wild. We guarantee that you will meet the animals on this stage of the expedition.

Lodging: Garibaldi Farm

Second Stop: Observation of the Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides)

Observation of the Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides), in the town of São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, in the Carlos Botelho State Park.

Our guides monitor the families of Muriquis days before our tour, which guarantees our encounter with the largest primates in the Americas. During the tour, we can watch the Muriquis families awaken in the forest and witness the behavior of these peaceful primates in the wild, which is undoubtedly a unique and exciting experience. We remain under observation for a maximum of 3 hours, taking care not to stress the animals, even though they are groups of Muriquis who are used to human presence. It is very common during the trip to come across other primates, such as the Howler monkey and the Capuchin monkey.

The expedition has other attractions besides Muriquis watching, such as Birdwatching with a specialized local guide and observation of nocturnal fauna, with the main focus on Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and Owls.

Third stop: Observation of the Black-faced lion tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara)

Superagui Island, located in the region known as Lagamar, is one of the wildest regions on the Brazilian coast. The place is one of the largest fish breeding grounds in the South Atlantic. Our lodge gives access to several flat trails, visited by flocks of tamarins, the expedition's target species.

The Black-faced lion tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara) is one of the rarest and most endangered primates on the planet, with an estimated population of no more than 300 in the wild.

The expedition will have various attractions in addition to the search for the Mico, such as nocturnal observation of the Broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris), observation of the Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) and the Guyana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), a visit to the roost of the Red-tailed parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) and lots of contact with the local culture, which is based on artisanal fishing.

Quarta parada: Observação do Sauá (Callicebus nigrifrons)

In this stage we will travel to the highest city in Brazil, located at 1,628 m above sea level in the Serra da Mantiqueira, a world biodiversity hotspot, which due to the variations in altitude has many endemic species.

The main focus of this part of the expedition is the Black-fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons). The place where we will observe the species is very special, as it is on a mountain and we can observe the species at eye level, which guarantees good photos.

The region's mountainous terrain guarantees great photos of landscapes and also many endemic bird species. The local vegetation is made up of Altitude Cloud Forest and Mixed Ombrophilous Forest, with a large presence of Araucarias (Araucaria angustifolia).

Quinta parada: Observação do Sagui-da-serra-escuro (Callithrix aurita)

We ended the expedition with the Buffy-tufted marmoset (Callithrix aurita), which is at high risk of extinction due to habitat loss and mainly due to the invasive species White-browed Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), which, due to their genetic proximity, mate with the Aurita flocks and produce hybrids that don't reproduce.

Hospedagem: Sítio Macuqquinho

Dia a Dia

08/07/2024 - Viagem de São Paulo - SP para Buri - SP

  • 08:00 am to 12:00 pm - Van trip to the city of Buri - SP, where we will be staying at Fazenda Garibaldi;
  • 12:00 to 12:30 pm - Reception at Fazenda Garibaldi;
  • 12:30 to 02:00 pm - Lunch at the restaurant with typical Brazilian food, Varanda Bar and Restaurant;
  • 02:00 to 06:00 pm - Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) viewing trail;
  • 07:00 to 09:00 pm - Dinner in the city of Buri – SP.

09/07/2024 - Observação do Mico-leão-preto e viagem para São Miguel Arcanjo - SP

  • 07:00 to 08:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 08:00 am to 12:00 pm - Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) viewing trail;
  • 12:00 to 02:00 pm - Lunch at the restaurant with typical Brazilian food, Varanda Bar and Restaurant;
  • 02:00 to 06:00 pm - Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) viewing trail;
  • 06:00 to 07:30 pm - Dinner in the city of Buri – SP;
  • 07:30 to 10:00 pm - Trail for observing nocturnal fauna, such as owls and whatever else we find in the forest.

10/07/2024 - Observação do Muriqui-do-sul e viagem para Cananéia - SP

  • 07:00 to 08:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 08:00 to 10:00 am - Van trip to the city of São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, where the Carlos Botelho State Park is located, which has the largest known population of Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) - the largest primate in the Americas;
  • 10:00 to 11:00 am - Reception at Pousada Serra da Macaca, where we will be staying on this leg of the expedition;
  • 11:00 to 12:00 pm - Lunch;
  • 12:00 to 07:00 pm - After lunch, we'll hike the Ribeirão Branco Waterfall in Sete Barras – SP;
  • 07:00 to 09:00 pm - Dinner.

11/07/2024 - Observação do Mico-leão-caissara

  • 04:00 to 04:30 am - Breakfast;
  • 04:30 to 11:00 am - Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) Observation Tour at Carlos Botelho State Park. We woke up around 4:00 am and went out on the trail around 5:00 am, as we found the Southern Muriqui families waking up in the forest. In the afternoon, free to rest and explore the surroundings of the Carlos Botelho State Park;
  • 11:00 to 02:00 pm - Barbecue celebration at Camping da Onça Parda;
  • 02:00 to 04:00 pm - Free time for rest;
  • Trail in the Carlos Botelho State Park, for the observation of fauna in general, with a focus on birds and the Tapir, which are very common in the Park;
  • 08:00 to 10:00 pm - Dinner.

12/07/2024 - Observação do Mico-leão-caissara

  • 07:00 to 08:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 08:00 am to 01:00 pm - Travel by van to Vila do Ariri in the city of Cananéia – SP, area of occurrence of Superagui Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara);
  • 01:00 to 03:00 pm - Lunch at Vila do Ariri, the region is very rich in fish and oysters, and has a strong fishing culture, the locals are known as Caiçaras;
  • 03:00 to 04:00 pm - Boat trip to Superagui Island, in the village of Barra do Ararapira, where we will stay at Pousada do Márcio;
  • 04:00 to 04:30 pm - Reception at Pousada do Márcio;
  • 04:30 to 07:00 pm - Visit to the Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) dormitory, every day at the end of the afternoon hundreds of birds fly to this place where they sleep overnight, it is in front of our inn, on the other side of the river;
  • 07:00 to 09:00 pm - Dinner at Pousada do Márcio.

13/07/2024 - Viagem para Campos do Jordão

  • 06:00 to 07:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 07:00 am to 12:00 pm - Trail in the morning in search of images Superagui Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara), the trails are flat and close to our inn;
  • 12:00 to 02:00 pm - Lunch;
  • 02:00 to 07:30 pm - Observation of the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in the mangroves of Cananéia, visit to Marujá beach on Ilha do Cardoso and on the way back night spotting of the Broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris), the region has a large population of Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) and Broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris), and are quite easy to spot;
  • 07:30 to 10:00 pm - Dinner with typical grilled fish from the region.

14/07/2024 - Observação do Sauá

  • 06:00 to 07:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 07:00 am to 12:00 pm - Trail in the morning in search of images Superagui Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara), the trails are flat and close to our inn;
  • 12:00 to 01:00 pm - Boat trip to Vila do Ariri, where we will stay at Pousada Morada do Sol;
  • 01:00 to 02:30 pm - Lunch at Vila do Ariri, the region is very rich in fish and oysters, and has a strong fishing culture, the locals are known as Caiçaras;
  • 02:30 to 05:30 pm - Superagui Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara);
  • 05:30 to 07:00 pm - Visit to the Red-tailed Parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) roost, at the end of the afternoon hundreds of birds of the species return from feeding places to sleep in the same place, creating a unique spectacle;
  • 07:00 to 10:00 pm – Dinenr at Vila do Ariri, the region is very rich in fish and oysters, and has a strong fishing culture, the locals are known as Caiçaras.

15/07/2024 - Observação do Sauá e Viagem para Salesópolis

  • 06:00 to 07:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 07:00 am to 12:00 pm - Trail in the morning in search of images Superagui Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus caissara), in Vila do Ariri;
  • 12:00 to 02:00 pm - Lunch;
  • 02:00 to 09:00 pm - Travel by van to the city of Campos do Jordão - SP, where we will observe the Black Fronted Titi Monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons);
  • 09:00 to 11:00 pm - Reception and dinner at Eco Parque Pesca na Montanha, where we will be staying.

16/07/2024 - Observação do Sagui-da-serra-escuro

  • 06:00 to 07:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 07:00 am to 12:00 pm - Trail in the Natural Monument of Pedra do Baú to observe the Black Fronted Titi Monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons);
  • 12:00 to 02:00 pm - Lunch;
  • 02:00 to 07:00 pm - Birdwatching with a specialized local guide Douglas Santos, the city of Campos do Jordão has the highest altitude in Brazil and therefore many endemic species;
  • 07:00 to 09:00 pm – Dinner.

17/07/2024 - Observação do Sagui-da-serra-escuro e retorno para São Paulo

  • 06:00 to 07:00 am - Breakfast;
  • 07:00 am to 12:00 pm - Trail in the Natural Monument of Pedra do Baú to observe the Black Fronted Titi Monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons);
  • 12:00 to 02:00 pm - Lunch;
  • 02:00 to 05:00 pm - Travel by van to the city of Salesópolis, where we will observe the Buffy-tufted marmoset (Callithrix aurita);
  • 05:00 to 05:30 pm – Reception at Sítio Macuquinho, where we will be staying - the site is a separate attraction, as it is completely dedicated to Birdwatching, with feeders for Hummingbirds and birds in general, expect to see many multicolored birds and more than 10 species of Hummingbird -flowers;
  • 07:00 to 10:00 pm – Dinner in the Sítio Macuquinho.


Services included

Accommodation in a single room

All meals - Breakfast, lunch, afternoon coffee and dinner

Transfers throughout the tour

Tickets to the parks

Specialized and bilingual guides

Services NOT included


Mapa do roteiro

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